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Friday, 20 May 2011

The Website Administrator Vs the SEO

Let's have a look at a battle of the Website Administrator Vs the SEO.

Some people think that their job title should be more important than what it is and so they try and shift the meaning of things. Alas, but a word is just a word and that is how it is. That is, without getting into the semantics of words and symbols.

Now, i came up with a definition of Website Administrator and posted it on the front page of our website because all the definitions i could find listed in authoritative (and informal) sources all seemed to be inadequate or attempted to apply some spin on the definition to suit their own agenda. It actually took me a few months to string together a bunch of words that would concisely encompass and delineate the activity in it's entirety. But i think i got it down pretty well. This exercise gave me an inkling on why creating the English Oxford Dictionary was such a gargantuan task. For those that don't know, there is one Oxford Dictionary, the others are spawned from this single source. Aside from newer definitions which are continuously added or the other more recent published topical efforts which capitalize on the goodwill of the original historic masterpiece, it is a brilliant piece of work that will become a testament to the language of our time period.

Now we also have a new activity in the field of web design work known as SEO.  And i would happily argue that if there were such a subject as taught in our schools as WebSite Administration, then Seo would not really be a separate subject (nor a separate term) but would merely be encompassed within the studies of what ever course teaches correct web page formulation and layout.

If a Website Administrator knew his business, he would already know how and what the search engines look for and of course he would include this in any wire frame design or web page he created. This makes the Seo redundant. Instead, we have a huge amount of money being funneled into SEO as if it were a new science when it fact it simply demonstrates that many of those in the industry who should know better actually don't and it is the customer who is double billed for this ignorance.

When i get bored, i sometimes go around the web and look at the code of websites and see what optimization techniques they use. And to understand what i see, let me tell you a story about modern educational techniques. Oh what right do i have to utter words on the subject on teaching? Well, I do hold two (actually three, but two are the same course, slightly different layout so i count it as only one) official  teaching degrees and several years of full time experience in training others (adults) under my belt. I have even trained people in languages that i don't speak! It doesn't matter if you don't believe this, but it can be done. You just have to know how to spot when comprehension stops in a person.

Anyway, i was enrolled on one of the early computer programming courses offered to students in Australia, we didn't have certificate levels in those pre Win95 days, and i wanted to write a little DOS protected mode program which manipulated the PC speaker to add sound to DOS games. After a few months, i asked when we would learn to initialize the mouse pointer and was told we would not learn that on this course. I asked a friend at a local university doing a more esoteric and advanced programming course at what year level he would learn this, and his response was that you would only learn that on the job if needed, mouse and video modes were not at school.  This was really a mute question, i already knew how to initialize the mouse with about twenty or so keystrokes using inline code (same with video modes too by the way, but by using assembly language, not inline code), but the point is that the school had no intention of enabling students to be truly effective or to arrive into a position where they would be able to venture forward on their own and create their own effective and saleable software. If you wanted advanced knowledge of computing, you were going to need to know how to self study. And not much has changed. If all the students currently on a web page training course were actually taught how to Seo their pages from the onset, then oh my, what a state the world would be in. All these long established businesses that have spent so much money in maintaining a superiority would loose their positions with-in half a year. All those over paid Seo companies would actually have to learn something on the subject rather than taking payment for work that a simpleton could do and achieve simply because of policy changes bought about by external forces and are actually results which are not really attributed to their own efforts but by mere happenstance of the events of others at this point in time.

So, the reason we need an Seo is because our Website Administrators and web page designers actually do not know how to set their pages up correctly in the first place. And this also means that in actual fact, your Seo is often better as a designer than the designer is himself., it is just that the seo does not have the formal training to know what he doing when it comes to design and so relies on the designer to put something their that he can then revamp. And this current mess is actually attributable to the intentional training of ignorance through omission.

Now, to understand where this is coming from, you should grab hold of a little book entitles "nobody dare call it treason" which was published many years ago and probably long out of print. The subject matter may or may not be true, that is up to you to decide, but the logic is sound. Most schools exist to train our working classes to remain working classes, not to train them to a point where they can then outsmart the older established businesses. So a part of educational system also relies on keeping the masses ignorant so as to maintain a status quo.

This is why you will find that some of the biggest businesses will assist with the preparation of study materials for many current official courses. Not that this is all bad. But training people in this way does lead to wholesale ignorance. I doubt that Mr. Gates would even know how to correct many portions of the Windows code anymore.

Now i am not going to say that i am more informed than you on the subject of Seo, but i will tell you that i am not about to tell you everything i know on the subject. Why? Because I don't see anybody else doing it and i would like to be able to offer those that pay me a little more than those that don't. I see lots of talk on content and tags but at the end of the day, there are really very few that are honestly effective. Some use some tricks more than others, and some invent newer tricks that are fleeting, not really the be all and end all of Seo but can possibly hold enough weight to cause some industries to think twice. But mostly just hype and which is why we are seeing the term Social Media springing up more than usual these days. Well, in all honesty, facebook sux and they are doing their bit to try to be the internet at this time. This occurs now and again so be on watch for the next facebook and twitter. 'Cause like any dog, they will have their day. They really offer very little benefit beyond many of the other person to person software that has been and those that are about to come yet. In fact, will come the day that people will all have their own websites with plug-in features that do exactly the same thing. The down side for big business is that we don't need javascript or flash enabled for our own home page to work and with these two points missing, it makes it harder for big business to horde simple marketing sales. In fact, the sooner people stop acting like sheep and start to ignore massive 'everybody is using it' sites and services, the sooner a cash balance will flow evenly through our world.

And i wouldn't worry too much about all this as it is still fully my intention to give you enough knowledge that will see you gain an excellent advantage over much of your competition. But i am not about to part publicly with everything i have come to know and understand over the years just so that big business can plow over the little guy. Even the opening notes on our free online Seo Course is enough for the little guy to cause concern to the bigger guys, but not enough for the bigger guys to do anything about it. Such is life.

    Recommended reading: None Dare Treason , conspiracy, education

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