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Wednesday, 29 June 2011

3 Ways on how to add the FaceBook like button for that extra social media coverage

Let's have a look at 3 ways to add a like button to your pages so that you can get that little extra social media coverage

The facebook recommended code is:
<script src=""></script>
<fb:like href="" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="180" font="arial"></fb:like>

But if you want to get validation, you need to make this pure javascript, and then if you don't like the document write method, there is yet another way to around this too.

Visit our page on the Like Button Code page for the code which lists all 3 of these methods on the one page and a little extra data you should know about maximizing it's use in seo.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Number One in Google - Seo Guaranteed (Yeah, Right.)

Ever been guaranteed number one in Google? Or promised a top 3 listing?

This is so easy to achieve that it is like saying "mommy, mommy, i know how i can tell if i am a boy!" Well, almost as easy. And there is a lot of bunk flying around about what you do and do not need and what you must pay for in order to get the most coveted of position listings.

Like you "Must use the social networks" or "Must build quality links". These rules are not even anywhere close to being penultimate in the field of seo and thus are full of bunk.

Sure, ramblings the subject of social networks and link building are not without any merit at all, but as far as you getting a number one position goes, they have little to do with the shooting-fish-in-a-barrel like activity of getting a Google number one at the moment.

You see, most Seo's will not tell you about the geographical qualifier that goes along with this statement. The full statement should say, "We will get you a number one in google for your selected geographical area."

Just checking the result on your own computer is usually not a real test. Visit our page on the keyword meta tag and scroll down the first column 'til you see the links to Oz, Uk and Us and from there, do all the google testing you want in three different geographical areas (And these all break down into smaller zones too, but i can't demonstrate that here). You might be able to see if my example i talk about in the article there has come close to achieving number one in all three zones.

Then next time, you can ask your seo if he means numero uno in all locations if he promises such a thing. Getting a number one in multiple geographical locations (and there are many more) demands a little more talent than just putting a website on the net and linking it into google.

If you are new to seo, you might want to take the course while you are there, it is also free if you like. Of course, we are available for hire too.

Use of the Link Rel Tag in SEO Search Engine Optimization

When one learns about the use of Tags in SEO search engine optimization, the Link Rel tag is often passed over.

Use of the Link Rel Tag in SEO Search Engine Optimization 
There are a some Link Rel tags that can give your web page a little extra push which might be just what you are looking for in the race for a superior serp ranking.

This Rel tag defines the relationship of various links called by your html document.

By specifying these exactly can assist in the speed of rendering your page. If you are wondering which are the most important LinkRel tags and how they are used, then visit our page that briefly discusses how the Link Rel is used in HTML by the seo.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

How to Optimize META Tags for SEO includes Keywords

Ok, so the free online SEO course is on the move again with the awaited release of the first article in the Meta Tag series being How to Optimize META Tags and an Introduction to the KeyWords Meta Tag.

And for those that have been able to endure my writing style and have completed the earlier steps on your website, you are now going to start to do some real damage to your competition as you implement the data contained in this one.

I had to skip ahead of the planned agenda in this one and so it includes a section on keywords, by the end of this study module, you'll know exactly how to find them in your page. Plus i give a couple of little pointers on how and where to use them.

This module involves you editing your web page so why not fix any keyword positioning while you are at it?

online meta tag analyzer
Also included of course is an online meta tag analyzer and how you go about using it. You can check and test your pages and see if you have optimized them correctly.

Use this data and I will then be able to see your site start to rank higher in Alexa and in the Google Serps.

Next we will look at optimizing graphics formats. Don't you just hate it when an image takes forever to load? Well, we have a simple tool (free) for you to fix that problem and also a way to work out what type of image should be used and where.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

7 Top Tools Free For SEO Administration

To acquire top rankings in the search engines that you have worked hard for and honestly deserve, you need to ensure your web pages are tight and there are free tools that you can use which will help you work on your web site's core.

How do you get 100,000 genuine hits within a year of launching your site when you only have time enough to work on it part time and don't want to pay for advertising?

Bookmark these 7 top tools for seo administration which are all accessible now from one convenient location.

I'm not going to bore you with paid ads or keywords or content or other everybody knows stuff. These are 7 tools that go back to the r-e-a-l basics and give you power as an SEO. And though this is not a complete list of tools that the SEO can use, they are just the ones that if used properly, will give you outstanding results.

Learn how to use these 7 SEO Tools in Course Format for free

And for the newbie to the subject of SEO, there is even a free online seo course that will teach you how to optimize your site using these exact 7 tools! The course is free to do by your self or you can get email help for a small fee. The paid and free course are the same course. And if your rankings don't improve with-in 3 months, you can get your money back so it is a win-win winning situation.

What are you waiting for? These are the exact time tested tools and procedures I have used that will even turn a home baked website into one that attracts excellent rankings at zero cost!